Receiving loads of public aid?
Rebent ajuts públics a cabassos?
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The injured were coming in droves.
Els ferits arribaven a cabassos.
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In short, unjustified loads of money.
En definitiva, diners a cabassos injustificats.
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Lots of money for the owners.
Diners a cabassos per als propietaris.
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I use Hootsuite, but there are loads of them.
Jo utilitzo el Hootsuite, però n’hi ha a cabassos.
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We have a common market and a single currency but inequality abounds.
Tenim mercat únic, moneda comuna, però desigualtat a cabassos.
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It should be emphasized that there are abundant examples of authoritarian democracies.
Convé subratllar que d’exemples de democràcies autoritàries n’hi ha a cabassos.
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Let’s march against the corrupt who rob loads in the midst of impunity.
Marxem contra els corruptes que roben a cabassos enmig de la impunitat.
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The idea spread that, in the growing cities, it was possible to gain lots of money.
Corria la brama que, a les creixents ciutats, es podien guanyar diners a cabassos.
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And since 2003, as he indicated at the beginning, they have been losing money by the bucketload.
I des de l’any 2003, com indicava al principi, porten perdent diners a cabassos.
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